Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Looking forward to baby #2

the truth is, God works in mysterious ways.  We are finally able to announce that baby #2 is coming in July.  Due Date of July 24 (maybe), after 4 ultrasounds and some previous issues, we don't have an "official" due date yet.  The doctor hasn't made that call because things keep changing. The curse and blessing of ultrasound technology.

Our Journey
In late May we were excited to find out that we were expecting, however some bleeding issues led to concerns which led to a miscarriage at 7-8 weeks, on the bright side, we knew we could get pregnant on our own (some health issues before Mylee led us to an endocrinologist which led to some medication that helped with fertily, which most likely helped with Mylee)  A D&C was performed and then the waiting and waiting to get pregnant again (luckily for us it only took a few months), everyone around us was getting pregnant and announcing their upcoming arrivals and I'll be honest, it wasn't easy!  Finally in November, the week before Thanksgiving, we got our good news, PREGNANT  I had 2 whole days of glory... and then it started again, it looked like we were going to have a repeat of May/June. 

Since they can't really do anything for a miscarriage, I got my rogham shot since my blood type is - and Chris's is +, and had and ultrasound at 6 weeks--too early to see anything but the yolk sac (however this was better news than the first ultrasound with the miscarriage).  An ultrasound was repeated at 7 weeks where I saw the little bean and a heartbeat (RELIEF)... well sort of...  This is the point in time where I began gushing blood once a day 3-5 days a week.  Ah the stress, there was no way there could still be a baby in there.  Not wanting to ruin the holidays, I waited to go in (My Dr is so nice that I just have to call the nurse and they'll let me come in for an US), back in for an ultrasound and there it was bouncing around and this time we got to HEAR the heartbeat.  This was around 10 weeks.  Finally at 12 weeks, I saw it again, happily moving around.  There's no reason for the bleeding and the Dr. says its just something we're going to have to deal with, but at this point our risk of miscarrying is way lower (praying it doesn't happen).

We hesitated to announce it to the world, I could hide it quite a bit longer as I had recently lost 20 pounds so it wouldn't be too hard to have people think I was just gaining it all back.  But I decided its time to love this pregnancy and believe that it is going to be OK. So here we are, excited and scared at the same time.

Thus beginning a new chapter in the Waldron Adventures:)