Monday, February 13, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

I'd just like to start this post by stating that Monday started with me being crabby, continued with a visit from someone you don't want to be visited from, and ended with a HAH IT WASN'T MY FAULT.  Now if only you knew what I was talking about this would make a whole lot more sense, but since it relates to work business, it can't make sense, but that's OK!!!

Life has been EXTREMELY busy with us lately.  Chris has been working with his Forensics students, competing at their first invitational this last weekend, and I've been busy with my FBLA students, took 21 of them to Regionals last weekend and have 11 going to State in April, should be pretty exciting.  I'm also working with my Forensics students, thought it'd be fun to bring it back to the school since it got cut a few years ago, but we thankfully don't do invitationals! Oh and I got the great pleasure of chaperoning Winter Formal, since my FBLA students put it on, however I must say that this was the least torturous one I've chaperoned in the last 5 years! On that note, I'd like to state that I HATE Valentines day, and especially the 257 carnations sitting in my classroom right now.

On the front of the personal life, Mylee is going to be my musical baby (atleast I hope she is) she spends a good 15-30 minutes at a time belting out music for Chris and I.  She's most recently mastered 5 little monkeys (I LOVE IT)

We had our 16 week appointment on Friday for Baby Waldron #2, a totally worthless appointment for the 15 minutes I was there, but I did get to see the little one again!  Everything is looking good, FINALLY.  We get to find out what it is on March 7, I'm very excited.  Can't wait to tell Mylee what we're having.  Her and I are convinced its a boy, but we will see!  I hope its a boy, otherwise the name picking business is going to be tricky.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the both of you on baby number 2. I bet mylee is really excited to hear she is gonna be a big sister. Hope all is well with all of you. Miss you guys dearly.
