Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well, we finally got our big snow fall of the winter, looks to be about 12 inches and counting!  Hopefully it will stop soon, or I guess another snow day would be ok;) wishful thinking.  Slept in a bit, well I did anyway, Mylee woke Chris up at about 7:00.  By 8 AM a neighbor boy asked if he could shovel our driveway... ummm of course!  We did pay him 10 bucks (all in an effort to keep the plow out of our yard)! I get that there's no where to push the snow but I HATE when I can see grass after a big snow because the plow pushed all of it into the middle of our yard. 

Mylee, Chris and I made a trek into school to get some papers and a book that I needed, it was entertaining to watch Mylee walk the block to the school, she insisted on walking through the big snow drifts, built our first snowman of the year, Mylee loved it!  Then she spent about a half hour playing in the snow while we (I mean Chris) shoveled some more of the drive way, which had almost as much snow as when the kid shoveled because we decided to clean off the cars. 

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